Hess Services utilizes the twin wire arc spray process for our Thermal Arc Spray. These energized wires are fed through a feeder into a gun head creating molten material. After the material melts it becomes droplets that hit the workpiece or product. The droplets flatten out and interlock one on top of another to create an extremely strong mechanical bond.
- C276 Hastelloy Alloy Thermal Arc is applied 3-6 mils.
- Dichtol HTR #0977 by Diamant is a specially developed, heat-resistant polymer-based impregnation system.
- Pores can be sealed up to .1 mm.
- Corrosion Resistant
- Heat Resistant up to approximately 1000 degrees.
- Patent #506093131
- C276 creates a porous laminate resistant to thermal expansion/contraction which allows Dichtol sealant to remain bonded and prevents corrosion.
- Offers increased heat transfer efficiency compared to traditional epoxy protective coatings.
- Thermal Arc Spray can be used on firetubes in our various Pressure Vessel designs
Our process is demonstarted in the video below.